Asthma Friendly Schools
The Asthma Friendly Schools programme, open to all schools in Wiltshire, will not only support your pupils' physical health but also their educational attainment through improved attendance and curriculum engagement.
- To reduce avoidable harm to children and improve quality of life
- To reduce asthma related school absences
- To promote good asthma management for children and young people
- To increase awareness of asthma among staff that come in to contact with young people
- To increase the number of Asthma Friendly Schools in Wiltshire
Some information about Asthma
Asthma is the most common long-term medical condition in children and young people in the UK, incorrectly perceived as a mild illness. The UK has one of the highest admission rates and death rates from asthma, with an average of 3 children per class with asthma.
A 15 minute film about asthma, created by teenagers for teenagers.
Filmed by members of The Cherwell Filming Club at The Cherwell School, Oxford, UK.
Becoming an Asthma Friendly School
From May 2024, schools in Wiltshire, B&NES and Swindon can apply to become Asthma Friendly Schools. Once your school has met the five standards you can email this completed form, to your local lead (see form) to receive the award logo.
Launch of Asthma Friendly Schools in Wiltshire
An online launch event for schools in B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire was held on Wednesday 8th May 2024 3:30-4:30pm.
A video of the event can be seen below and you can see a larger version of the video below here.
Wiltshire Asthma Friendly Schools (September 2024)
- Nursteed Community Primary School
- Salisbury Cathedral School
Asthma Friendly School Criteria Checklist
From May 2024 Wiltshire schools can accredit as Asthma Friendly Schools, using the following criteria:
A1. Our school has an Asthma Policy
A2. Our school has a register of all students with asthma
A3. Our school has emergency asthma kits available
A4. Our students with asthma all have a personalised asthma action plan
A5. Our staff at the school have received asthma training
Useful resources
Asthma Policy template for BSW
Standard School Asthma Emergency Kit Aquisition for BSW
Standard School Asthma Emergency Kit Checklist for BSW
Various PAAPs exist with the most popular ones used locally including:
- Healthier Together Personalised Asthma Action Plan – link here
- Asthma + Lung UK plan for children – link here
- Asthma + Lung UK plan for adults/ CYP 12 years old or over – link here
- My Symbicort SMART® Asthma Action Plan – link here
Asthma Friendly School Parent Info and Consent Letter for BSW
Inhaler & Spacer Use Instructions for BSW
Own Inhaler Use Parent Letter for BSW
Emergency Inhaler Administration Record for BSW
Emergency Inhaler Use Parent Record for BSW
Concerns about Asthma Parent Letter for BSW
NHS asthma e-learning (Free 45 minute module)
Useful links
Wiltshire School Nursing Service