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Preventing hate crime

Webinar: Responding to and supporting victims of hate crime 

Wiltshire school staff are invited to attend this online event on Wednesday 12th October 2022 from 10.00am – 12.00pm. More details about this event can be found here.

Wiltshire schools can help to promote positive relations and reduce the harm caused by hate crime, by increasing pupils' understanding of hate crime and prejudice and enabling them to explore ways of challenging it.

What is hate crime?
A hate crime is any unacceptable behaviour that a person thinks has been caused by the hostility, prejudice or hatred of others against them or their property. This may be because of their:

  • Race - Skin colour, nationality, ethnicity or heritage
  • Religion - Faith or belief including agnostics and atheists
  • Gender - Male, female or non-binary
  • Gender identity – Transgender, birth gender, gender variance, questioning
  • Sexual orientation - Lesbian, bisexual, gay, heterosexual, questioning
  • Disability - Physical, learning disability, autism, hearing loss, visual impairment, mental health.

Hate crime can happen in many different ways, it could be:

  • verbal abuse and name-calling or
  • threats or intimidation or
  • physical attacks or violence sexual violence and murder or
  • graffiti or abusive writing or
  • damage to property, including arson or
  • bullying or harassment or
  • online trolling

In Wiltshire and Swindon a Hate Crime Group has been set up to combat all forms of hate crimes and incidents by working together to meet the needs of victims, take firm action against offenders and prevent hate crimes happening.

Hate Crime Awareness Week

Hate Crime Awareness week is during October 


Useful documents

Hate crime briefing sheet (Wiltshire Police)

Hate crime information leaflet (Wiltshire Police)

Wiltshire and Swindon hate crime group strategy

Useful links

Supporting LGBT young people

True Vision includes hate crime schools pack (KS 2,3 & 4)

Wiltshire police hate crime page