Supporting schools to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people
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Supporting young carers

Most schools will have children and young people on roll who have caring responsibilities for a parent, other relative or sibling. Some of these will be known to the school, but very often young carers can remain hidden and can be difficult to identify.

Schools have a duty to consider the health and wellbeing of all pupils and they can do this in a number of ways. Training for all staff, in the identification of young carers and the approaches that can be put in place to support them can make a positive impact on young carers and their attainment and achievement.

The current Wiltshire Healthy Schools criteria ask schools to provide evidence of how they are meeting the needs of young carers, including having in place a young carers policy. 

Young Carer Friendly Award (from 2023)  

Education settings that demonstrate good practice for the identification and ​support of young carers in schools can now apply for the Young Carer Friendly Award.

22 Wiltshire schools have acheived our local award so far (November 2024).

A Young Carer display at Noremarsh Junior School. 

Local support and information

There is a range of local support for young carers and their schools including:

Wiltshire Council young carers information

Youth Action Wiltshire is the ‘youth arm’ of Community First, who provide the Youth Action Wiltshire Young Carers Service.


National information and resources to support young carers in school

can be found here:

Leaflet about young carers in school

The Children's Society and Carers Trust have a Young Carers in School Award that supports and recognises schools who support their young carers.

  • Longleaze Primary School achieved this national award during 2016.

Schools that have completed the Wiltshire award can be supported to achieve this national award.