Healthy Me
Healthy Me is a programme for families with children aged 5-18 years. It’s designed to empower families to make small changes towards life-long health and wellbeing. Healthy Me is available for free, to families in Wiltshire, who would like help with making healthy choices.
Topics covered include:
• Making your own goals
• Eating habits (food choices, portion sizes, meal planning)
• Physical activity and sleep
• Self-confidence
Virtual Healthy Me
We are currently operating a virtual programme which is delivered through Microsoft Teams for a 6-week period, for 30-45 minutes per week after 3:30pm.
Young people and their families can join the sessions, where they will be provided with the tools to help them sustain long-term lifestyle changes.
Once the programme has been completed, families will be supported to continue their healthy lifestyles through a series of Staying Connected sessions.
To book your place on the programme please complete a referral form or to find out more please contact the Wiltshire Health Improvement Hub:
Phone: 0300 003 4566 - option 1
Facebook: Public Health Wiltshire - Home | Facebook
Face to Face Healthy Me
We no longer offer Healthy Me Bitesize, but we are hoping to start face-to-face sessions from the 11th September 2023 every Monday at 4-5:15pm at the Olympiad Leisure Centre, Chippenham.