Active Mile
Physical activity is important for good physical and mental health of children and young people.
An active mile is one way in which schools can increase the amount of regular physical activity undertaken by children during the school day.
Research published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) concluded that
"The findings show that in primary school children, the Daily Mile intervention is effective at increasing levels of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA), reducing sedentary time, increasing physical fitness and improving body composition. These findings have relevance for teachers, policymakers, public health practitioners, and health researchers."
Some of the programmes available to help schools implement an active mile include:
The Daily Mile
A national website with free resources The Daily Mile.
Children usually run outside for around 15 minutes, with most children running a mile a day.
Your school can sign up on the Daily Mile website to show how many schools in Wiltshire are taking part.
The Golden Mile
The Golden Mile is an all year round initiative for pupils, staff and parents. Walk, jog or run around your track and use downloadable resources to upload the number of laps your pupils achieve. Your interactive school and class pages will convert laps into miles and display the pupil’s progress via graphs and league tables.
For around 5% of your sport premium funding, your whole school can access The Golden Mile for one year. National Golden Mile website
Many Wiltshire schools are now taking part in an Active Mile with others planning to implement one in the near future. Some schools are measuring the impact of this activity, which can be used to achieve Wiltshire Healthy Schools status.
Wiltshire case studies