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Tick awareness

Ticks are small, spider-like creatures that feed on the blood of animals, including people. Ticks can survive in many places, but prefer areas with dense vegetation or long grass.

Ticks can be found throughout the year, but are most active between spring and autumn.

Ticks don’t jump or fly, but wait until an animal or person brushes past to climb on. They then bite to attach to the skin and start to feed on the blood. 

Young children are more commonly bitten around the head, so be extra careful to check around the neck, behind the ears, and on the scalp.

Ticks can transmit bacteria that cause diseases such as Lyme disease, which can lead to very serious conditions if left untreated.

Make it a habit to check your clothes and your body regularly for ticks when you’re outdoors and again when you get home. Because it doesn’t hurt you may not notice you’ve been bitten.

Remove the tick as soon as possible using a pair of fine-tipped tweezers, or a tick removal tool.

Contact your GP if you begin to feel unwell and remember to tell them you were bitten by a tick.

Lesson plans for schools

Public Health England have developed ‘Tricky Ticks’ KS1 & 2 lesson plans for schools. The lesson plans come with a resource bag which includes tick specimens set in resin, image flash cards, cuddly tick and Lyme disease toys and a USB with electronic resources. If you are a teacher and would like access to Tricky Ticks, please contact

Wiltshire posters and leaflets 

Be Tick Aware - general leaflet


Tick Facts Poster A


Tick Facts Poster B

Useful Links

Infectious diseases and tick awareness (Wiltshire Council) 

Ticks. How to protect yourself. Information sheet for children (Public Health England) 

Tick awareness and the tick surveillance scheme (Public Health England)