Free anti-bullying training for Wiltshire schools
Friday 14th November 2014
Booking is now open for a free DfE funded training and leadership development day for Wiltshire primary, secondary and special schools to support vulnerable learners at risk of bullying.
Training from Achievement for All 3As.
Raising standards by reducing the impact and incidence of bullying on vulnerable learners
Wednesday 11th February 2015, 9:30-3:00pm at Melksham PDC
This course will:
- Explore the interactions between a child being bullied, a child exhibiting bullying behaviour and the wider community (with reference to SEND specific issues).
- Help schools audit effective practice and review existing effective national practice
- Identify quick wins for immediate impact and longer term development to transform practice and outcomes
- Agree actions and implementation plans, including use of relevant data
Access will be provided to a range of free resources.
This flyer contains further details of the training and a clickable link to online booking (not via CPD online) All places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
To find out more about the programme, please email: Marius Frank