HomeRun offered to all Wiltshire schools
Wednesday 28th March 2018
Wiltshire Council have been piloting the smartphone app HomeRun with seven Wiltshire schools located in air quality management areas to reduce traffic and parking issues associated with the school drop-off and pick-up.
The app helps parents to car share, as well as providing useful information about how people are travelling to school, routes used and parking locations. It can help schools evidence their Healthy Schools accreditation, as well as support a Taking Action on School Journeys funding application. We would now like to offer the HomeRun app to all schools. Parents choose whether or not to download the app, set up their profile and can arrange to car share with other parents. We see that this would benefit a range of schools - smaller rural schools with little alternative to car travel as much as a large urban secondary.
Some of the benefits of the app are summarised in this flyer.
If you would to find out more please get in touch with Ruth Durrant (School Travel Plan Advisor)
01225 713483 ruth.durrant@wiltshire.gov.uk