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LGBT+ Standards for Wiltshire Schools

Monday 11th March 2019

These Standards enable secondary schools to show how they are providing a safe, inclusive and supportive environment that values and celebrates diversity.

The Standards also provide a useful record for Ofsted and Wiltshire Healthy Schools applications, demonstrating how schools are working to fulfil their statutory duty around the Equality Act 2010, Children Act 2004 and Education Act 2006.

We hope you use these Standards to develop your approach to LGBT+ issues in school and look forward to hearing about your progress and sharing best practice across the county.

Young people in Wiltshire would like to see schools becoming even more inclusive. We hope that these standards will be useful in auditing current provision and demonstrating further progress.

These standards were first developed by young people during 2017 in South Tyneside, to whom we are grateful for permission to use them with schools in Wiltshire.


More about supporting LGBT young people here

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