New Wiltshire Secondary Equality Information Template
Monday 1st July 2019
The new 2019-20 Secondary Equality Information Template is now available for schools here; the Primary template was published In May, and is also now available).
Please note that schools have a duty under the Equality Act 2010, to publish Equality Information - updated on an annual basis, and to adopt and work with at least one Equality Objective (using SMART criteria) – which must be changed after four years, but can be refreshed as soon as you wish once your Equality Objective/s SMART criteria have been met.
The new template includes both National and Wiltshire Equality Information updates, and also provides opportunities for you to add information about your school (please note that for schools with small numbers of particular groups of pupils, data protection protocols must be adhered to).
You will also find some examples of possible Equality Objectives in the templates, although you may wish to formulate your own.
Please note that if you do formulate your own Equality Objective/s, they must be categorised from within the Equality Act 2010 Protected Characteristics.
Please contact either or if you need any further help and support either with your Equality Information, or in the area of Equalities