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School Physical Literacy Survey

Monday 24th April 2023

Sport England and the London Marathon Foundation are working with the University of Bradford to develop a feasible Physical Literacy Assessment Tool for use in school and community sports settings within England – and would like to hear from practitioners (working in the education and community sport sector) on what the current facilitators and barriers to using a tool are and what would make the new tool more feasible.

We are aiming to create a Physical Literacy Assessment Tool that can bridge the gap between a tool being accurate, valid, and reliable as well as offering feasibility for use with a group of children (~30) completing the tool simultaneously. 

Such a tool will be valuable in gaining population-level insights in the physical literacy of children and young people. This means we can look to offer more tailored support for those needing to improve their relationship with physical literacy.

The online survey is now open until Friday 26th May 2023 for teachers, school staff, coaches and more. 

You can read the study information sheet here. To take part, you can click on the link below to complete the survey: Understanding the feasibility of using a physical literacy assessment tool in a school and community sports setting ( 

If you have any questions, you can contact the lead research, Dr Jade Morris

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