Secondary School Health Profiles
Wednesday 11th September 2013
Wiltshire secondary schools have been sent the new adolescent health profiles that are now available for each secondary school in Wiltshire.
They have been developed by Public Health in conjunction with colleagues from Children’s Services and include information on a range of health related topics. The profiles will help anyone working with young people in local areas to understand the needs of the local population and plan and target services in an evidence based manner.
Information from the school health profile and related data can be used to help identify local health priorities that you may like to address through your programme of PSHE Education and your Healthy Schools work.
The latest health profile for your school can be found, alongside those of other schools and related information, here:
19 indicators are presented including, eligibility for free school meals, rates of youth offenders, the risk of NEET index, mode of transport to school, obese and overweight year 6 pupils, estimations of smoking prevalence and physical activity, hospital admissions for alcohol, drug misuse, accidents and self-harm and accident and emergency hospital attendances.
Hyperlinked maps have also been provided for many of the indicators, allowing for accessible comparisons between schools or community areas on a specific indicator.
When an indicator could not be given specifically for a school the community area statistic has been used instead. The community area used was based on the location of the school.