Supporting Muslim Pupils - during Ramadan and in the classroom Understanding Islam And Tackling Cultural Misconceptions
Friday 19th January 2018
Tuesday 27th February 2018, 1:30-3:30pm at City Hall, Salisbury.
2 hour session delivered by Wiltshire EMAS Advisory Teachers. £30.
The aims of this session are:
- To increase awareness of Islam and gain a greater understanding of Islamic practises
- To enable staff to understand and support their Muslim learners, particularly during Ramadan
- To help staff recognise what is ‘normal’ practise
- To provide opportunities to ask, and have answered, any questions about Islam that you might have.
Designed for SEAL coordinators, SENCos, teachers, EAL advocates, ELSA staff and adults working with EAL learners and families.
For further details and to book a place: