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New draft DfE guidance on RSHE

Thursday 16th May 2024

New draft guidance for consultation

Today the Department for Education published proposed revisions to the guidance on Relationships, Sex and Health education (RSHE) for consultation.

"We know that parents are their children’s primary educators, but high-quality Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RHSE) can play a vital role in making sure that families feel supported and have peace of mind that their children are safe and being equipped with the skills they need to succeed. We also know schools want more clarity on the right age to teach certain topics.

This update reflects that, even in the short time since RSHE was made statutory, the world in which children are growing up has become increasingly complex, both online and in the day-to-day, and that is having a profound effect on their lives, including how they build relationships."

The consultation is open for a nine week period from 16 May to 11th July 2024.

The 2019 statutory RSHE guidance remains in force 

As with any statutory guidance, the existing RSHE guidance from 2019 remains in force until the updated guidance has been finalised and published, following the consultation period. Schools will be given an appropriate timescale during which to reflect the guidance in their updated RSHE curricula. Schools will not be required to update their programmes for September 2024. 

Opportunities for discussion

The following opportunities for Wiltshire schools to discuss the draft guidance, and PSHE more generally, include the following network sessions:


  • PSHE education network meeting

Networking session for all Wiltshire schools

Book here: Thursday 13th June 2024. 15:45-16:45 (online live)


  • Wiltshire Healthy Schools network meeting

Focus on Healthy Relationships & Sexual Health

With input from:

  • NSPCC on their primary and secondary school programmes
  • Wiltshire Council Public Health Team: Public Health Practitioner - Sexual Health

Book here: Thursday 4th July 2024 3:45-4:45 (online live)    


There are also several PSHE CPD opportunities for teachers at primary and secondary schools and primary school PSHE subject leads during the next year, which can be found on Right Choice.    

Catch up with other recent news here