Wiltshire SEN Self Evaluation
Friday 27th September 2019
Please see below the link to the 2019 Wiltshire Special Educational Needs (SEN) Self-Evaluation.
We are asking schools to complete this by the 1st of November 2019.
The purpose of this survey is to serve as a tool that supports Wiltshire primary, secondary and special schools/ academies in self-evaluating their SEN provision. Use of this tool can:
- inform the school development planning cycle and highlight areas for staff training, development and support;
- raise awareness of the benefits of peer review and encourage school leaders to work together, peer review each other's schools and plan for further improvement;
- communicate areas highlighted to the local authority and partners in order to pursue improvement in commissioned services, training availability and identification of provision gaps.
Guidance on completing the questionnaire:
The first time you access the link to start working on your questionnaire you MUST fill in questions 1,2,3 and 4. This will enable you to save what you have already inputted by clicking Done (scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see the yellow Done button).
When you click Done a screen will come up saying "Thank you for taking this survey"
Please don’t worry, this does not count as your final submission.
When you are ready to go back into the questionnaire to answer the rest of the questions, access the link above as you did the first time and it will take you to your questionnaire. This would have saved all the information you already inputted. It will only save the information as long as you always use the same device (laptop/computer) and internet browser.
Please answer all sections, they are all mandatory. Please complete all questions by 1st of November 2019 for your final submission.
If you have any questions please do get in touch,
Diana Taphouse (née Zugravu)
Acting Senior Commissioner
Wiltshire Council, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire. SP1 3UZ
I am happy to support you to ensure that as many of you as possible are able to complete this. Having said this I am on Annual Leave from 30/09/2019 until 08/10/2019. My first priority the day I am back will be to answer any queries waiting in my inbox.
After the completion deadline I am planning on undertaking an analysis of all the information submitted. I will be able to share this with you individually as well as a PDF copy of your submission for your own records by the end of November 2019. I know many of you use this questionnaire as your school SEN ‘one stop shop’ analysis, so I can reassure you that I will be able to export a copy of your submission in order to send you this.
Thank you in advance,