Supporting schools to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people
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FAB Research (2014-2024)

Wiltshire Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing Survey

Wiltshire Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing Survey 2024

This survey was shorter in length using a subset of questions from the more extensive Wiltshire Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing Survey.  

All schools in Wiltshire were invited to take part in the voluntary survey, which was carried out in February 2024. Providers of alternative provision and colleagues supporting young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET) were also invited to support young people not in school to access the survey. The survey remained open until May 2024, with a final total of 92 schools, settings and colleges taking part and 9,140 responses from the following year groups: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10,12 and students in FE settings.

School specific reports were issued during July 2024 and the Wiltshire area report published in Januray 2025.  

A supporting video is provided to explain the format of the school report. Schools not involved in this survey, may also be interested in viewing it to get an idea of the kind of information we provide for schools.

This online survey has been developed by Foster and Brown (FAB) Research in partnership with Wiltshire Council.

The survey provides a comprehensive picture of the needs of children and young people across the whole of Wiltshire providing important data showing behaviour change of children aged 8 through to 16+.

The data, provided at school and county level, will not only provide useful evidence for Ofsted but enable schools to more effectively develop their PSHE Education curriculum and effectively target and monitor their Healthy Schools work.

The information will also be used by Wiltshire Council to inform strategic planning across the County and by the School Nursing Service to ensure that it is targeting support where it is most needed.