Past Projects
This section highlights examples of our past projects and work with partners, who provided support to help schools meet the criteria for becoming a Wiltshire Healthy School or to address local health issues as part of Healthy Schools Plus.
Achievement for All (2014-2015)
Anna Freud Centre - The Link Programme (2021-2022)
Anti-Bullying Alliance (2015-2024)
Big Talk Education (2014-2016)
Brighter Little Minds (2012-2014)
CAMHS training for school staff (2015-2016)
CWMT school mental health network (2015-2017)
Dove self-esteem project (2016)
Kidscape Peer Mentoring (2016-2021)
Kidscape Rise Programme (2020-2022)
Multi-agency health and well-being drop-ins (2011-2013)
National PSHE CPD Programme (2018-2019)
Rounded and Grounded (2015-2016)
Royal Society of Public Health: Youth Health Champions (2016-2017)
SHEU Health Related Behaviour Survey (1983-2012)
University of Bristol - Plan A (2015-2017)
Vaccination School Resources with Public Health England (2014)
West of England West of England Academic Health Science Network (2019-2022)
Wiltshire CAMHS - Mental health training for schools (2019-2020)
Wiltshire Food in School Project (2015-2016)
Wiltshire Music Connect (2023-2024)