Supporting schools to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people
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Partnership projects

Right Choice

Issuing of condoms

Condoms are the best barrier to sexually transmitted infections during sex. Young people should be advised to wear condoms every time they have sex. Condoms offer protection for vaginal and anal sex, and flavoured condoms are available for use during oral sex.

Condoms should be made widely available, and young people should be encouraged to handle them and understand how to use them effectively.

Any professional working with young people can access free training, so they are able to support effective condom use by learning how to provide a condom demonstration to young people. This includes which lubricants are safe to use; oil based lubricants will cause the rubber to perish and there is a risk it will split.

 It is best practice for any staff member who provides condoms to young people to have had the training. ‘No Worries’ and ‘Delay Training’ can offer key skills for professionals working in ‘drop-ins’ and giving sexual health advice. Contact

To order ‘No Worries’ condoms for your health clinic please contact the no worries programme at

Condoms are available FREE from the Public Health Team.