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Wiltshire Police

Check it Out website

There is a website for young people Check it Out website

In the Classroom

The Wiltshire Police Youth and Early Intervention offer includes a range of support for schools, including classroom input that can add value to PSHE education. A summary of the current offer can be found here (2023).

This input can help children benefit from education about the law and the consequences of breaking the law; allowing them gain a greater understanding about how to keep themselves safe and of the role of the Police in helping keep communities safe.

Police input is most likely to add value to PSHE when it focuses specifically on the role of the Police and the legal aspects of relevant topics such as that offered to Wiltshire schools:

Primary School Lessons:

KS1 – People Who Help Us / Keeping Safe

KS2 – Personal and Online Safety


Secondary School Lessons:

KS3 – Sexting and Healthy Relationships

KS3/4 – Keeping Safe (Exploitation and Vulnerability)


Other Offers

Where the team feel it is appropriate, other topics may be provided addressing:

  • Primary School ASB
  • Secondary School ASB
  • Safer choices KS2
  • Yr6 (Weapons Awareness)
  • Anti-Bullying, Primary School
  • Anti-Bullying, Secondary School
  • LGBTQ+ and Hate Crime Awareness
  • Consent, Sexual Assault and Sextortion
  • Road Safety

To contact your local officer to book a school visit call 101 and ask for your local station

Swindon and Wiltshire Intervention for Families to Thrive (SWIFT)

This is a consent-based programme run within Wiltshire Police which aims to reduce children coming to police notice and to prevent them becoming part of the criminal justice system. More details can be found here (2023).

For more details please contact  

Mini Police

Mini Police is now running in Wiltshire schools. 


The main aim of the Mini Police programme is to increase trust and confidence with young people, their families and the communities that we police, and to develop skills and self-esteem in pupils who participate. This is achieved through structured, consistent and quality delivery and an approach which encompasses early intervention, the delivery of safety messages, preventative education and long-term problem solving, which through time will reduce demand on services.

The Mini Police programme supports the principles of preventing crime, reducing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and reassuring communities, working with partner agencies, raising awareness of online safety and digital crime as well as helping to safeguard vulnerable young people in our communities.

To find out how to become involved contact the Wiltshire Police - Youth and Early Intervention Team:  


Follow the Youth and Early Intervention Team on Twitter and Instagram via @wiltspolyouth

Useful documents

Teachers, police and PSHE Education: Key Principles for effective partnership (PSHE Association & NPCC)

Police in the classroom. A handbook for the police and PSHE teachers (PSHE Association & NPCC)