Health Events Calendar
The following is a list of events and campaigns that schools could use to highlight particular topics.
Many of the links provide classroom materials and other resources for schools.
3rd - 8th National Careers Week
12th No Smoking Day
10th - 16th Your Vote Week
17th - 21st Neurodiversity Celebration Week
17th - 23rd Food Waste Action Week
21st Red Nose Day
18th CSE National Awareness Day
20th International Day of Happiness
22nd World Water Day
7th World Health Day
24th March - 4th April Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel
27th April - 3rd May European Immunisation Week
19th -23rd Walk to School Week
12th May - 12th June National Smile Month (oral health)
12th - 18th Sun Awareness Week
5th - 11th Red Cross Week
12th -18th Mental Health Awareness Week
19th - 25th Dementia Action Week
17th International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
31st World No Tobacco Day
Gypsy Roma Traveller Hisory Month
2nd - 8th Child Safety Week
7th - 8th The Big Lunch (Communities)
9th - 13th My Money Week
9th - 15th Carers Week
9-th - 15th Men's Health Week
15th National Bug Busting Day (head lice)
23rd World Olympic Day
16th - 22nd National School Sport Week
27th National RSE Day / BBC teaching resources
24th National 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Day
Snack-tember (ages 5-16)
8th - 14th Gas Safety Week
TBC National Doodle Day (epilepsy action)
26th World Contraception Day
5th World Asthma Day
International Walk to School Month
Stoptober (stop smoking)
11th - 18th Hate Crime Awareness Week
13 - 17th Cycle to School Week
31st National Bug Busting Day (head lice)
TBC National School Meals Week
7th Supporting Male Victims of DA Day
14th World Diabetes Day
TBC Odd Socks Day
10th - 14th Anti-Bullying Week
18th - 24th World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week ebug: school resources
16th - 22nd Road Safety Week
7th - 13th Alcohol Awareness Week
25th White Ribbon Day - ending male violence against women
25th - 10th December 16 Days of Action - against gender based violence
1st World Aids Day
10th Human Rights Day
31st National Bug Busting Day (head lice)
2nd - 8th Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week
6th International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM
TBC Children's Mental Health Week
10th Safer Internet Day