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DfE - Senior Mental Health Lead Training (2021-2023) 


BSW Senior Mental Health Lead Network  

These network sessions are held three times a year and will focus on supporting the role of the Senior Mental Health Lead in schools and colleges.

These are optional sessions for any schools in B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire that have previously attended a Senior Mental Health Lead training course. They are useful opportunities for schools to ask questions, share good practice and hear the latest local and national updates. The focus will be on implementing a whole school and college approach to mental health. These meetings are free and take place from 3:30-5pm online.

Future SMHL networks: 

Notes from previous meetings

Local contacts

Mental health lead resource hub

National support hub, funded by the DfE, with links to many resources.  

Senior Mental Health Lead Training

During the last 3 years, four cohorts attended local courses provided for schools in the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) area.

More about the local delivery of these course can be found here.

Local delivery of the SMHL training ended in May 2023.

The final SMHL courses from other providers began during January 2025. 

BSW Together is an integrated care system (ICS) made up of NHS and local authority organisations working together. 

The majority of BSW schools have now completed the SMHL training and obtained their grant of £1,200.

This was part of a range of government funded mental health support for schools and colleges that also includes:

  • Wellbeing for education recovery 
  • The Link Programme (now ended)
  • Relationships, health and sex education (RHSE) training module
  • Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs)
  • Psychological first aid training (no longer free)

Further information from the DfE (programme now closed)